The Word's intentions are scrutable 1/4
"Welcome to my show, the Angel of the Apocalypse."
"Welcome to the audience."
"I'll ask my first question in a moment. How does one become the Angel of the Apocalypse?"
"Usually by being born, but I've seen it done by direct occupation. Because there are weaknesses in the birth in such a highly free and heterogeneous world, where money and career can make it impossible to do anything after awakening. That is why many of them do not even make it to awakening."
"How common is this phenomenon?"
"Very. Which makes it extremely unpleasant for those above, because the above environment is not really conducive to an objective assessment of situations."
"These collectives are highly subjective and their functioning is highly hierarchical. If I were to give a terrestrial example, the rules system in the military is the closest to their everyday life. The superior's orders must be carried out without criticism or dissent. Anyone who deviates is seen as a traitor and that is the worst thing that can happen to a collective being. Their legal system, if I may describe it so facetiously, is based on the idea that the boss is always right. Only high-profile cases go to investigation, and those are handled by more prestigious races."
"I don't really understand. I'm asking about angels, and it's like I'm getting answers about alien races."
"By angels, I assume you mean beings of the spirit world. Well these beings have, in my personal opinion, interfered in the physical plane to an unwarranted degree that the earthly environment has been exempt from. So much so, that societies on the physical plane have also adopted the hierarchical system of the spiritual spheres and this has created a world unimaginable to the earthly eye. When I talk about this, I usually give two examples, one is North Korea and the other is Saudi Arabia, because it can only be done by brutal repression. It is so striking because there is something to compare it with. But where there is none, it is normal, with the addition that the repression is not physical, but spiritual. What we call magic is on a small scale compared to what goes on there on an everyday level. As some groups begin to transmit this level to Earth, we are in for a very turbulent time."
"Isn't interspecies diplomacy a solution to that?"
"There are several problems with that. One is that they don't see humanity as a separate species, nor as a distinct species, let alone an independent species. The other is that our thinking is very different from what is common outside and no one will take that into account because whoever has the greater power dictates."
"How do these spiritual beings manifest themselves on the physical plane?"
"There are several forms, each with advantages and disadvantages. What we would first think of is a kind of light phenomenon, but as a light phenomenon it is quite difficult to do anything physical. It's also possible to take physical form, of which there are two viable forms, birth and occupation. When archaeologists speculate about the ancient world based on the finds in Egyptian excavations, they are nowhere near it, because they are looking at it with today's eyes. Those people really were gods, determined by the level of initiation. If by gods we mean that people accepted certain people as being human figures of certain spiritual beings. Somewhat in the same way that a man named Jesus was accepted as being the human form of a spiritual being named Christ."
"I see."
"I don't think you understand even that."
"Does that mean then that there are living gods out there?"
"Yes, there's a living god cult, which is like having superheroes with special powers running around, but the environment is not at all partyface to that."
"Why hasn't that evolved on Earth?"
"It did, but then there was an anomaly that changed everything here. Has anyone here wondered why it is that nobody remembers the history of mankind? What we know about it is only from stone tablets that archaeologists have dug up. What people today know about it is fundamentally wrong, and it is not helped by the education of it as fact in schools. I know, of course, that this is how the rational mind works, but there is a danger in this that new information that does not fit in with what has gone before will not be made public on the grounds of calm."
"Let us return to the subject of the apocalypse. Will such an event occur?"
"It is not an event, but a process. We are talking about one reality in 3D that has not yet been affected by this process. It should have been affected, but as I said, the numbers are not quite there and the Earth is not yet free of the anomaly. Part of which is that there is also some organised resistance and professional aspects that the people here like this reality and their beliefs reinforce it."
"How did you become an Angel of the Apocalypse?"
"That's a good question! When I first came across this case, I was still looking at the task as a kind of subcontractor, only to rise to the level where it became my right to intervene in its own right. It shouldn't be called that, but I've never been an angel of the apocalypse and I'm glad to have the chance to try it. Unfortunately, the above has got low perspective, so in their eyes I am a traitor who stole this job from them."
"Aren't the ones above higher dimensional beings?"
"But I became even more higher dimensional in the process. They are very distracted by the 3D timeline of what I was and they don't want to, or dare not, deal with what I have become. Being highly subjective beings, they never interpret such things for themselves, because they started as humans and became angels and gods."
"What does it mean to be highly subjective?"
"If they had an ego, I would say they are extremely egotistical, so I can say that they have a highly self-centred view of the world and are very self-conscious."
"What is this anomaly?"
"The fabric of space-time has been torn and different dimensions have become entangled in the frequencies of 3D. But because reality is in fact a hologram, which is extremely flexible, it generated functioning worlds that flowed into each other. This established order is now threatened by two things: globalisation and alien interference."
"Now a short ad, don't go anywhere, because we will continue this discussion shortly."
"In time for the next commercial break, I would like to review what has been said so far. I am a little amazed that money and careers can distract descendants from their tasks."
"This is a very different world to what they are used to above. This is made even more difficult for them by the fact that, without a rational brain, it is much more difficult to find a solution to such a problem, which, after all, requires thinking."
"It is hard to imagine them not thinking."
"They don't think the way we think. We think as if we had an HDD in our brain and a narrow bandwidth internet. They think like they have a low-capacity HDD and broadband internet. They practically live like they are in terminal mode. Such is the popularity of living in the collective consciousness, which I think is popular on earth because of not knowing things. It's a much simpler world with its pros and cons."
"Which is better?"
"Neither this nor that. I think it is like the truth, which is always between two positions."
"So, in practical terms, can it be said that those above are not as clever as those below, but spiritual power makes up for the difference?"
"Trump is not a smart man either, yet he managed to become president of America. Nor are his voters voters, rather believers and this is the best indication of how such a collective pattern works in practice. The aliens are not invading with spaceships, but are seeking to transform humanity in a softer way."
"I have a long and a short version of the answer. The long one could be the subject of a separate discussion, the short one is that you pray about it. They interpret it as a request that has been answered."
"What do aliens have to do with angels?"
"I explained it before, but I'll give you another example. You made a request from the third floor of a tower block to the seventh floor, who called down to the fifth floor to solve the problem."
"But I don't think these prayers are about America becoming Saudi Arabia or North Korea."
"In such a strict hierarchical order, it's not what you, the petitioner, understand, but what they understand. Since you will only understand this in 10 years' time, but I did it 10 years ago, I have a 20-year head start."
"What happened in those 10 years?"
"If we consider that this is preceded by 10 years of understanding, let's say 20 years, and the advantage is 30. The first half of the 20 years was spent cooperating with the sky in the spirit of conditional truth. During this time I can say that I have got to know them and have got to know them better. I have gained insight into their thinking and many valuable experiences."
"What does it mean to be under the spirit of conditional truth?"
"It means overcoming the problem that I only received promises from them, but that the process did not stop because of that. Conditional truth means that our agreement is only valid if its conditions are met. Translated, if they don't screw me over."
"Didn't you get screwed over?"
"But they did. This is where I would draw attention to populism, that they always promise what people want to hear. But it is a collective occupation in which the old promises are denounced and discarded, and are always replaced by new ones. So that you don't even recognise what you have once entered. The majority of political and economic players are now subject to what we call so-called angelic alien interference."
"This is where my next question comes in, that they do not consider humanity to be a separate species, nor a distinct species, let alone an independent species. What does that mean?"
"We see humanity as a single species, defined by homo sapiens DNA. They see certain peoples as 3D earthly extensions of themselves. When I talk about the anomaly of different dimensions appearing in one place on Earth, it reflects our world, where so many different civilizations, so many religions and three one-gods live together. It is not by chance that I said before the commercial that globalisation, although understandable from here, is in fact a threat to anyone who knows the reality of the situation. It is a problem that must be solved, but I do not see alien intervention that would create the same thing, but under the domination of one of these dimensions, as a solution. There are fierce battles taking place on the planes above our daily lives, the characteristics of which we take for granted as they impinge on our planes."
"Such as?"
"Domestic quarrels, workplace disputes, conflicts between peoples are part of everyday life here, where we are not surprised by wars. These are unimaginable things in the 'oppression of peace', where even a grassroots idea or suggestion can disrupt the flow. They also do not see humanity as a separate species because we, when we live these daily lives with each other, are in their eyes fighting battles with representatives of other dimensions. And since they do not pray to us, but we kneel before them, they do not even consider us an independent species. But who rules us depends on who rules the space and spiritual space around the Earth."
"You have mentioned that your own ascension is unconventional and you have risen above everyone. What does that mean?"
"Another anomaly, because I did it as an individual in a collective environment. This situation, however, presents a unique opportunity to address the problem in a meaningful way, because it has put a being capable of objective thinking in a dominant role. But this is a genre where the problem must first be understood in order to be resolved. Neither earthly science, nor earthly religions, nor alien institutions are capable of supporting this. This is also where the second 10 years of preparing for the resolution of the situation and developing and then installing the necessary spiritual framework comes in."
"I think this is an excellent moment for further commercials and for our viewers to digest what we have just heard. We will be back soon!"
"Did you become an Angel of the Apocalypse by being born or occupied?"
"I said that's what usually happens, but my situation is almost always unique. My mind has gone so deep/high that the general rules don't apply to me. In fact, this has opened up a new field of research for me, which I will deal with later, because I am busy with my tasks."
"What are these tasks?"
"Only a fraction of them are understandable at the current level of development of our planet. But the essence is system restoration, saving the world and so on. I have mentioned that our world is the result of an anomaly, but it has created value. But there are many others, in different dimensions, who are working on ending the anomaly, which in turn will end the world, and I was in the right place at the right time to find a solution to that. Think of it as if there is a room lit by all sorts of coloured lights, but as each of these lights goes off, the room becomes more and more dreary and boring. Since the world is a hologram, with all these spheres and dimensions projected into a single point by an anomaly, all that was left was to figure out how to keep projecting them all after they were turned off."
"What horrific events will you take humanity through? Because that's what the angels of the apocalypse do, right?"
"The thing is, few people will probably see me as a positive figure at the beginning of the process, but no one has any idea what events have been rewritten for this. There is no comparison. If anyone could compare, they would call me an extremely positive phenomenon. But it's not just my problem, the situation of so many ascended beings is like that, because those who judge them are never in the right perspective. And if you are not in the right perspective, you will not understand and if you do not understand something, you will understand what you want to understand. And that is rarely a positive thing, because people see the world from a basically subjective point of view."
"What is this subjective perspective?"
"The first person singular. One can get closer to objectivity by putting this perspective outside oneself. I can give you an example of this with a little exercise called 'Rapid IQ Development'. You try to see yourself realistically through the eyes of others."
"What is your relationship like with angels and interfering aliens?"
"The archangels are not very happy, for example, when I call myself the angel of the apocalypse, and the aliens have a hard time looking down on me when they should be looking up. My story is a warrior's journey that could have been peaceful."
"Who are you really?"
"As I said, it's a new area of research for me, which unfortunately I don't have time for because of my busy schedule. Therefore my current position is that it is an unknown life form."
"Can we hear more?"
"If I were to say anything about it, it would jeopardise the evolution of our species, because we would become less and less unknown."
"Are there still individuals of this species here?"
"I'm sure there will be, because there is a way for their minds to get to this zone."
"You mean anybody could be one of these creatures?"
"It's all a matter of the right personal quality and the level of dimension attained."
"If someone gets here, what happens?"
"Maybe they become the Angel of the Apocalypse, because they can take over the job and I get rid of that role."
"But if someone is already a particular being, how can they become another being?"
"As I said, it's a question of the right human quality and level of dimension. You ask in the 3D sense, but the answer is difficult to understand in that way."
"How to apply here?"
"For my programs, just go into yourself. Of course you can be outside, but that is always the game."
"What game is this?"
"Holo Game. Because it's a hologram we live in. The admin level is objective and only accessible inside, the game is outside and full of adventure. For me, for example, I only have friends and enemies in the game because when I'm in the admin level it's about the system and not the content. Just like I am the owner of a holoserver operating business, which you see as the universe. The employees of the business are running the system and are not present in the game. But because the philosophy is like linux, there is no prohibition on staff developing games under the platform. Since part of the human quality required for entry is ethical development, I would say no more about that."
"Does anyone oversee this?"
"When I realised the power of my rise, I immediately set up a system of checks and balances, i.e. I put this power under control. Which is not easy when there are many levels in the upper realms where I am alone. I'm talking about my rational hemisphere, which is not a normal direction of ascent. So when I broke through all the blocks that had been built to prevent this, I found myself in the deep trans domain in a new world with new tasks and new responsibilities."
"I understand that, but in the game, who and how is in control of the situation?"
"It is worth bearing in mind that at the admin level there are parameters, while at the game level there are specifics and there is a borderline where the two can mix. If I name a rank or a role, it is specific even if the person is otherwise at the admin level. In answer to the question, I can say that I have noticed this gap, which is why the Sky Ethics Board and the Sky Interest Protection Board have been formed, because they are grounded perspectives and are the achievements of the rational brain. Angels know neither ethics nor interests. These bodies have intervened on several occasions, including against me, because my own rules apply to me. There are often disputes, after which decisions are reached by consensus on democratic principles."
"Who are the members of these boards?"
"For the moment, only me."
"So how does a dispute arise?"
"Through internal struggles, in which I try to be objective and fair. That's what happens when you're alone at these dimensional levels. When I was Aton, I created the pattern that allows one to operate a true representative democracy in absolute plenary power."
"Are you who you want to be?"
"I am who I am. Right now, I am the Angel of the Apocalypse, guiding humanity through the difficulties."
"As an Aquarian Democrat who has transcended the 'one reality belief', I have created a new structure of human consciousness, also known as Multiplex Projection. In it, I am no longer bound by the rules of 'one reality', nor are you, so everyone's consciousness ends up in the reality with its ideal vision, where the game continues."
"It's about time for the end of the session, but I feel that this conversation is just starting to get exciting. But the director signals that I can continue. How does this journey happen, in which my consciousness ends up in my ideal reality?"
"In a dream or with death. Of course I mean death as you do, because it can only be understood in 3D, at the level of the individual."
"Now I'm being informed that there's another commercial break coming up. We will continue from here shortly. You can see the rest of our guests today next week."
"How can you do so many things at once?"
"Once upon a time, I got to the point where I realized that I couldn't see everything with my human brain, so I stopped trying to understand everything immediately. But in this case I would have to blindly trust beings who were not socialized in our ethical environment. So I embarked on holo-programming, whereby I set the destination, defined the parameters of the path and have been following that ray ever since. Then I made an app for anyone to use, called holoGPS, which downloads half asleep faster."
"How can I use it?"
"The thing is, I've thought of that too, so in everyone's head there's MIA, a personal spiritual assistant, it's like having an R2 in your head. If you don't know it, that's okay because he/she/it will do it automatically. Because there are billions of other people out there whose reality-game experience is that there is no such thing. So MIA remains hidden from most people, but it still works."
"With this holo-programming, I mean I get the IT thinking thing now, so that's how you solved the problem? By starting to program the hologram?"
"Yes. But first I needed a spiritual framework, that is, a holoplatform, a holo operating system that the hologram could interpret the programming."
"How is such programming done?"
"By precise dreaming. It is also a form of meditation."
"What knowledge did you have before?"
"As you understand, none. I'm not even baptised and my first encounter with spirituality was when I went into the deep water, where I quickly learned to swim. It turned out that my life up to that point had consisted of nothing but preparation and trials. You don't need a master to do that, because if you're on the right path, the knowledge will find you."
"One of the characteristics of a hologram is that every tiny element contains the complete information. But you need two things to retrieve it. The right level of awareness and the ability to understand. It is useless for an ancient high priest to have access to Einstein's theory of relativity if he doesn't understand a word of it. All you need is science fiction, fantasy, mystery films and series that will give you the knowledge you need while you're having fun. It also needs a general level of literacy, a broad knowledge of the world, so that you can form your own opinions and understand the context. The news is just manipulation, but if you use your brain you can filter out the truth of the present."
"What is the truth of the present?"
"When you seek the truth, you realize that your life so far is a lie. That's why, at the first rise in perspective, everyone is usually shocked to realise that the world they have known is not what they have seen it to be. But the new truth is just a stepping stone, and once you have crossed it, it becomes a lie. This is how one arrives step by step at the ultimate truth, and this is why enlightenment has levels. Depending on which level you are, you have access to the world. Through the example of the hologram, this is easy to understand. Everybody has seen a holographic image, which is spatial because it is interfered with by a laser. If you cut off a small piece of it with scissors and illuminate it with coherent light, say laser light, you will not see the small piece, but the whole image in miniature. If you look at a tiny slice of yourself inside yourself and illuminate it with enlightened light, you will find the universe inside yourself. The purpose of esotericism is to find that way."
"I suppose it's not that easy."
"You can get there in one sniff, but it's only as far as you're prepared for it. In personality, in intelligence, in the skills you need. This is the so-called shamanic path, and it takes a lot of work to succeed. If it were easy, everyone would be a great wizard."
"What is magic?"
"The ability of the mind to meaningfully influence the holographic world. Removing the incompetence that has been created here has a big part to play in restoring the world."
"How can the world be restored?"
"I have done it by imagining the world as if it were a holographic video game in which we live and play. I then redesigned the game with the necessary access and permissions, which is why there is so much panic over our heads, for example. Many of the gods turned out to be at the level of a regular player, which the login system of course corrects. As the ÉlményPark gets sharper everywhere, the admin and game levels are split."
"What is this ÉlményPark?"
"What would you call the physical plane from the perspective of the spiritual worlds? ExperiencePark, ÉlményPark is a holo operating system running on a consciousness network, capable of 3D projection. Users perceive reality in the first person singular. You can see from this that the Angel of the Apocalypse, which you saw as such a big deal at the beginning, is really just a role at this level."
"You speak like a god."
"I am not religious. I'd rather call myself an independent entrepreneur who is primarily involved in holo media, but I also have an energy bank."
"Can you elaborate on those?"
"For your consideration, I recommend User Agreement, which was originally intended as a punchline, but I realized it was perfect."
"It is difficult to accept this without evidence, but I have a theoretical question. Do you own us?"
"I don't own anyone here, but what is there is the media rights of your holographic projection. The proof is in process, but such a deployment is not something that happens overnight, because it is a process that will come to a point in time when it will be felt. In 3D we can then talk about proof."
"Is this a new religion?"
"No! Religions have been put into a hologame format because of the uninterrupted continuity of processes. Religious people are thus playing a holofantasy game that is extended to the level of reality."
"Many will say that is sacrilege."
"I have never been an enemy of a good story. Anything like this is a great chance to make the ÉlményPark even better."
"Who are the spectators?"
"Not just spectators, but also players. Currently the most successful are the 'No one else can know about this' series running on the big stage, where the actors on the erath are the best."
"Actors? Who are they?"
"They don't even know that you don't know anything about it, they think I've picked the best actors. They say your acting has the honesty and depth of feeling that has long since disappeared on the higher spirit levels."
"I don't know much about that, but isn't that a galactic sin?"
"Not on this scale. This was confirmed for me by the cover of Forbes magazine, where the same was confirmed by the man on the cover. The world = a mirror and here I would like to take the opportunity to describe Mirror Admin, because I rarely like to work instead of others. Everyone here is waiting for the Saviour, who is basically cast in the role of a fool. He will solve your sins for you, take the blame for your sins, so that you can continue to commit them. Far be it from me to call myself the saviour, but the theological sense of system restoration is. However, I am not stupid and will not do what you can do. I think you know what a normal world is and you will restore it."
"I can't catch my breath, but I have a few questions. But only after the commercial!"
"First of all, a fundamental question arises. On what do you base the claim that your mind is capable of more than others?"
"A couple of head injuries after which I noticed that I was always more intelligent after the mind sorting than I was before. Plus, my brain opened up to the spiritual world. Later it became clear that this was what was needed for this 20 years of meditation."
"What kind of meditation was that?"
"It was like going to Tibet, but I didn't go, I solved it in the middle of a big European city."
"What if you had gone to Tibet?"
"In a reality that has since closed, I did. It was fucking freezing, the food was shit, there was no internet and I told the chief of monestry to fuck off because he was interfering in everything. Because it was a meditation that put me above everyone else and others were only competent to the border."
"Then it can't be easy with you."
"But it is when one puts the goal first and not self importance. To do that, you have to have the objective perspective to make decisions that are not to your advantage. Few people can do this in an environment where everyone is competing for power."
"What are the pros and cons of doing this in a city?"
"You have to be mindful and learn to forgo things that are readily available in favour of meditation. You also have to be aware that there are a lot of people within aura distance of you in a city, and you have to be able to deal with the fact that meditating in dependence on others is a despicable thing to do in this civilised environment. If you have money you are a mysterious genius, if you don't you are a piteous loser. For me, it was the latter role that forced me to learn spiritual warfare, because such a person is such a valuable source of energy that everyone sees him as prey. Because even if your consciousness is at a high altitude, your body is vulnerable, although I have done hologram experiments that prove that it is not so vulnerable. But that's the professional level, I wouldn't bore the audience with that."
"What kind of meditation was this and who was leading it?"
"It was a unique meditation, there has never been anything like it in the history of the universe. Understandably, therefore, no one could lead it. Of course, I had helpers, good and bad, but they disappeared at a certain point and I had to do everything myself. It was like being both an explorer and a problem solver. It was very meaningful, and I did it at a very fast pace."
"And what power does it give?"
"In terms of the system, a lot, but in terms of the game, I have only observed its indirect form. In fact, you have to think in terms of two powers and develop the other one separately, which everyone sees as such. I do a very serious job of developing and testing. A lot of times the only way to test is to take on different roles, which are mostly powerless. I've done the installation, I've done the launch, but these are processes that take years and often require absolute improvisation to find the right steps. In addition to intuitive skills, this requires a high level of intelligence and a kind of strategic insight that cannot be taught well. It is often the case that something looks right in theory but in practice it slips and you have to correct it on the spot. Such a correction also takes months, so there is no slacking off here, although it certainly looks like it from the outside. When you have your job in your head, no one else can see how much your brain is spinning during the 0-24 hours."
"What are your plans? By that I mean the world."
"The original plan was to stay in the deep trans all the time, but in the meantime I need to take care of the world around my body, because as it turns out, no one else is doing that for me. So I started the return, which I combined with the Admin-Game Level tests. There is, of course, the Game-Game Level, which is the everyday life of the ordinary person. Here, too, you can develop, that is, you can develop your skills as a player, from which you can go to the Game-Admin Level, where all those people, like healers, who have started to do something for the world, have ended up. The Admin-Admin Level is a ten-year time scale, where, of course, there are no game objectives. But in the meantime, it has become clear that there is a need for these people to be able to take some time off, to have fun, to recharge their batteries and also to be able to intervene directly in the Game. But this needs to be tested, and that's what I'm coming back to. First of all, the guarantees, because the great mistake of the world as it has been so far has been to allow arbitrariness. But this can be eliminated by programming the hologram."
"What are the objectives of the game?"
"I've called it PPP. Pay/Pie, Pussy/Penis, Position. As well as the fourth P, which becomes stronger when boredom sets in, which is Perversion. The Admin-Admin Level is without these, but in the Game-Admin Level, the importance of these is up to each individual."
"How does this manifest in the world?"
"At once and at system level. This means that it will affect helpers, angels and aliens too."
"Anytime. There's a parameter in there that it shouldn't be a global collapse, so it's much more complicated than the kind of things that have happened before."
"How have they happened so far?"
"There comes a point in every era when the world becomes distorted. The selfishness becomes too great, the future becomes hopeless, everything becomes locked into a situation that is slowly becoming unlivable, where the degree of suffering increases. Then comes the end of the world, which can be a local or global event. A good example of local is the European plague epidemic, which wiped out the old world and brought a new one, which brought prosperity. The global is the Ice Age or the Flood. They all wiped out one world and created a new one, like this one today. Just like in an android game where the game results are deleted after a while and a new one starts."
"Are we at the end of such an era now?"
"Yes, but the anomaly created some things that became an admin goal to save. Therefore, some realities live on where advanced people are."
"Who are these advanced people?"
"In our reality, about 3100 people have reached that level. The selection process is very similar to how humans breed a dog. Those who fit the parameters move on, the rest start the game all over again."
"There's still time for one more guest, so take a break and we'll be back!"
"How much should we be afraid of you?"
"How much do you want excitement in your life?"
"Your reputation is not good in many places."
"The news is made up by the powers that be in the image of their truth. Those who receive it also have their own truth. Therefore, it is everyone's job to filter the news they receive for information that they can tune to their own truth. This is how the world works. Even when I am in power and my news is heard."
"What is your truth?"
"That would be difficult to interpret at the level of the ordinary mind."
"I'm sure there are ordinary versions."
"Not so far, but I'll improvise one here and now."
"It doesn't give you a very serious face."
"That's how I've been doing my job so far. I'll try to give you a sense of it. The 3D timeline is only straight for us, from above it's quite different. From a higher dimension, we are talking about a bunch of 3D realities that open and close from each other. Since the outside world is just a decoration, it's really the position of consciousness that matters. Which, if we're talking about a 3D trapped higher dimensional being, means a lot of fragments of consciousness living in individuals whose consciousness position is constantly changing. It jumps around like the read head of an HDD while you see continuity on the monitor. When I entered the deep trance, the world as I knew it continued to project around my body. I realized that the XD-3D connection has such a relationship with time that for many problems, I only have 20 seconds at most to figure out the solution."
"Can you give me an example?"
"I once had a question about what time is. I had to answer it immediately. It's a bit like explaining to a blind person what colour is. But you have to know that in that state of consciousness the brain works in a completely different way, the consciousness is much broader, but you need the intelligence to interpret what you see in the right way. Later I looked it up on wikipedia and to my great surprise I read the same thing as I said there. Time allows for the succession of events in the third dimension. That's why it's so valuable to them that a being got there from here, because the fundamental problem of the higher dimensions is an interference that causes them to stuck into each other. The third dimension, however, has a timeline that allows us to make the simultaneous events sequential and then do the logical sorting. One of the reasons I had to suspend work and return was to ensure the three conditions were met."
"What are they?"
"The necessary tranquillity, threatened by the civilisational tension created by the lack of income. The 3D timeline, threatened by higher dimensional interference that seeks to eliminate the physical plane. As well as a normal world around me, from which we have started to move away in the last 10 years and the situation has almost reached critical. But the return from such a high is not a two minute thing, but a years long process with much struggle before one's consciousness can return to a body from which the occupier must be cast out."
"What occupier?"
"We perceive ourselves as autonomous beings independent of each other because of our individual consciousness, but we are nonetheless part of a consciousness network where another struggle for more people is taking place. If they appear above someone in my network, they appear above everyone, it's just not so easy on Earth where the occupier is constantly overruled by the individual's perspective, interests and the way society works. Of course there are positions, religion is one of them, but religion does not play a role in everyday life and people are not receptive to that other world, so they are slow to do it."
"Everything is happening right in front of your eyes. It's called populism. In it, they say and promise what people want to hear, which is what gets their support. Meanwhile, they reinforce their spiritual possession, try to turn off the rational brain, so they are not impressed by facts and buy into all the nonsense the centre (= leader) puts out. Because the other hemisphere is the world of faith, and the rational hemisphere is replaced by the network centre. This is the terminal mode I have already talked about. The occupied person perceives the occupier as him/herself, so it is very difficult to identify him/herself without the right preparation. But it also answers a previously daunting question, because if you don't perceive an alien being in yourself, they can't be that far away from you. The purpose of the alien intervention may be ill-intentioned, but that ill-intention cannot be compared to the ill-intention of humanity. Not so much that it can even be called well-intentioned from this point of view. It just conflicts with my even higher point of view, so I have to intervene in this intervention."
"I am getting confused."
"What makes it difficult for me is that they are using the sacred channel, being up to their necks in the formation of religions. I could very easily become Satan, which doesn't bother me so much because I'm not religious. When I studied the issue, I came to the conclusion that here, in this field, Satan has the freest role. The 20 years would be difficult to give a sense of, but there were events in it that belong here. There was a period when I observed that someone from the outside was beginning to pour into me what I identified as Satanic energy according to your interpretation."
"They were rather people, under alien leadership. But my case is unique in many ways, as is illustrated by the fact that, as I am researching the spiritual world in a scientific spirit, I saw this as an excellent opportunity for observation. It turns out that, despite being charged with satanic energies, Satan is compelled to behave in me in the way I believe him to behave. And I believe that Satan is like a surgeon among internists. That is, he is healing in a rough field."
"It will be hard to convince anyone of that."
"The way the hologram works is that what you believe is what you have. From there the question arises, who then represents progressive values. Me, making a positive figure out of it, or the people who invented the brimstone idiot? Who is the moron who would destroy everything here and then be a caveman for another millennia before he gets here again? But there were those who thought the same. I once came across the work of H.P. Blavatsky, who referred to a spiritualist named Eliphas Levi. They saw Satan in a very different light, discovering his characteristics more in his accusers and concluding that Satan was no different from modern humanity."
"Do you think so too?"
"I think by Satan the aliens mean the rational brain. In that sense, we who live in this scientific world are all Satan himself. And the alien goal would be to eliminate this satanic character by eliminating our rational brain, but after having seen the situation and the participants, I am not at all sure that this will be successful. I would rather create this normal world."
"You mean by what events, or technically how?"
"What do you mean by technical?"
"There will be those who will understand what I read in a piece about Atlantis, where humans became advanced when the being above them breathed into them this quality of energy. We know that breathing is the key to everything, more than that, the common man is not worth saying about it either. Our world is based on the outside world, where technology comes in the form of machines, but there is another technology to be found in humans."
"Which is more advanced?"
"We are talking about two different things. Which is more advanced, 27 degree water or the colour green?"
"Which is more powerful?"
"Spiritual power is usually more determinative, but it is highly dependent on faith. Curses also have no effect on those who do not believe in them. Of course, this is not quite accurate, because if it is believed by someone whom the person respects, they can enter through that channel.
"Are there curses then?"
"It's a hologram, like a game program that can be controlled by the mind. On our plane they are invisible energy fibres and difficult to prove scientifically without the right instruments."
"Do such instruments exist?"
"There is one that is available to everyone. Sit in a room with no air movement and light a candle. When you see the flame start to vibrate, you'll see an instrument that will tell you if there's data traffic coming at you from above."
"After the ad, only one block of broadcast time will fit. I would definitely like to hear about what events we can expect. We'll take a break and we'll be right back."
"Let's come back to what will happen, because we haven't discussed this any further."
"One of the basic rules is that no one can know his/her own future. More precisely, one must be without absolute certainty in this respect. For this reason, among others, I will not say too much about this in concrete terms."
"What is among other things?"
"For example, that I don't know either."
"As soon as I started doing this, I have been on the front line and I am constantly encountering unknowns that I have to overcome, that I have to solve. It's no different on the way back."
"Is this return like Christ's?"
"Technically similar. Because people live in the real world, there is a lot of misunderstanding of such concepts because they are looking for any inner meaning outside of it. But since the hologram by its very nature seeks to realize all beliefs, it does so outside."
"Good, then I want to hear the most accurate specifics that exist."
"Understanding reality, that is, the structure of the outside world created by the hologram, goes well beyond the belief in one reality. But it can be done by talking about it in a way that makes sense. Holographic thinking, like magical thinking, is goal-oriented, i.e. one can know what the goal is, but not how events lead to it. But it has the same problem that we had when we used to Snapszer (card game is similar to Sixty-Six) once a week and there were hardly any hands of interesting. So we switched to Ulti and something similar happened here when I reorganised the game. The Source Worlds were created, with many parallel realities branching out like flower petals according to intentions and their nature. But there is not just one level, so they branch up and down and create a cylinder shape. The middle is peaceful and tolerant and as we move further out, the ideas become more intense. This is what I call Multiplex Projection, where there is a point for everyone that perfectly matches their quality and vision."
"What does that mean?"
"Everyone has a vision of the world they want. People with the same vision of the world and the same vision of the future are placed in the same reality nodes. One's own world thus becomes one of the realities of a particular reality node, one of the levels, which will have a position in this cylinder. The progress is realised in real time, i.e. one can be placed in an upper or lower world on the fly, depending on what one has earned or become unworthy of. The principle is that everyone feels best in their ideal position. This means that even if I wanted to, I couldn't tell the future, because it branches off in many directions. I could only talk about where my world is going."
"How does such a move to the upper and lower worlds happen?"
"Previously, it was only possible through death, but this new system now allows you to travel in a dream. That is, such crossings are imperceptible."
"Why was this necessary?"
"So that our world does not become vulnerable after the anomaly is removed. Everything will stay the same, or not quite, because changes will be initiated everywhere in such a way that everyone will feel like a winner. Then the new game starts."
"Is this about the game? Is that the meaning of life?"
"The meaning of life corresponds to the four main areas of the ÉlményPark. Education - Learning, Healing - Curing, Experience - Adventure and Exploration - Development."
"Who was this agreed with and approved by?"
"No one showed up for the consultation and approval was given at the appropriate levels."
"What if, knowing this, someone realises that they would like to make further progress before their consciousness journey, so that they can move that arrival position to a higher level?"
"Then pull yourself in, because the journey has already begun. If you start to do something for the world, for your own development, for your environment, you can take yourself out for a while."
"What if resistance starts?"
"On the contrary, it cannot, but it would not make sense. Who is stupid enough to resist being placed in the most ideal environment for him/her?"
"Who is to determine that?"
"It is a holoprogram. I have learned to program the hologram. These are programs that apply to me."
"I find that hard to believe."
"The goal is to restore the world. Which would not be successful if I removed myself from it. That can only be achieved if the rules apply to everyone. By the way, it was made by doing it myself, but because it was done with parametric programming, it is for everyone to use.
"Are there any masters, magicians or spiritualists who have been involved in this?"
"If you consider that they did their best to block it, then there are some, because I have used them in testing. But in the way that they supported me and this, no. It feels like a start-up that got this far through community funding by some individuals. But there were no governments, institutions, investors or organisations involved, so it's completely independent."
"What is your vision for the future?"
"This is the world of the developed man. A livable technical civilisation in a green environment."
"What does it mean to be livable?"
"The starting point is this world. First you have to find the key to happiness in such a material environment. This is not easy, because people like to mix happiness with comfort. You have to put in the mind the importance of faith and money. You have to find the principles that define dignity, so you don't need the rule of authority. What only the unworthy want to build anyway, otherwise it will build itself. Get rid of those who want to force authority rather than strive to earn it and the world will slowly recover. And the livability will come from moving to a more advanced model of democracy, from which political adventurers and political entrepreneurs will disappear."
"That is a grandiose undertaking."
"We have 400 years to do it, of which I would like to do the essentials in 150 years, because I think fine-tuning is a bigger job."
"Who gave you that deadline?"
"By going out into space on our own, we have become members of a very small club at the universe level. But we have a lot of work to do to get into this club without being savages. Stop polluting the environment, clean up the waters, clear the debris from orbit and restore the wildlife we have destroyed. The undertaking itself would seem unfeasible if I had not invented holoprogramming, which is something that the interveners here have just encountered for the first time. They thought that embedding themselves in Earth's power would be a good way to counter it. For me, this makes one eye cry and the other laugh, because it is a unique testing opportunity for me."
"What can you do to get the opponents on your side?"
"I don't think I'm in a position to do that. If only because, if you think about it psychologically, there are a number of factors that would influence that. On the one hand, someone who has spent a lot of money, time and resources on this would see it as a defeat if they had to stop. Then there is the fact that what was once free would now be very expensive for them. The third is that this has been their tactic up to now, not to talk to anyone, to marginalise such people and let them become radicalised, and then kill them off. However, as I said, I did this with my intellect, which is a completely new thing in this capacity, that someone would use a logic-based rationale to do this."
"Are you on the periphery too?"
"Where else would I be if I had been meditating for 20 years? How this is going to change, nobody knows, but the auditorium is full. I also have to open new holo cinemas in the Sky."
"What about the anomaly?"
"First I copied the multiverse, added borders and wrote "Experience Park" on it. I worked out the access from the spiritual world and restored the game. But the process is slow, and there is a lot of interest in it, because no one has ever done this before in a frenetic show. The big insight here is that the anomaly should be seen as an opportunity, not a problem, and I have seized that opportunity. I trust that everyone will reap the benefits of this two long after the first shock."
"How certain is this?"
"I have a relationship with the ideal future. A wonderful world, a real heaven on earth, is what survivors report."
"Our time is up, thank you for talking to us."
"Kisses to the viewers!"